Abergavenny Complementary Practice has moved from the Community Centre. Please contact the therapist you wish to see for the location of their Practice.

Body Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Muscular Tension Relief in Abergavenny

with Katrina Morgan-Scully

Image of Katrina Morgan-ScullyI offer massage therapies for Muscular Tension, Holistic Treatments for Well-Being and Relaxation, and treatments for acute or chronic conditions.

Holistic Approach

The Holistic approach to healing is paramount, and I draw upon a background of supportive work and creative art within the community and care environment.

Treatments are individually tailored to best support and meet the needs of each client, whether simply for relaxation, or a range of health conditions.

I am bound by a code of practice and confidentiality.

The aim is to help the person as a whole, so it is much more than just the symptoms that are being treated.

Limited discounts for five or more bookings.

Gift Vouchers available for the perfect present.

You can find out more and book an appointment via my website or, if you would like to discuss anything further, please speak with me on 07817 902641 or email onĀ katrina@abergavennyaromatherapy.co.uk.

I look forward to warmly welcoming & meeting you soon