Abergavenny Complementary Practice has moved from the Community Centre. Please contact the therapist you wish to see for the location of their Practice.

Welcome to Abergavenny Complementary Practice

We have moved from the Community Centre, but remain together as a group of practitioners offering complementary care and support to people in the Abergavenny area.

Our practitioners are:

Juliet Ablett Homeopathy
01981 241456 julietablett@mailbox.org.uk www.julietablett.co.uk

Ian Butcher Gestalt Therapy
07876 033204 info@ianbutchertherapy.co.uk www.ianbutchertherapy.co.uk

Donna Calway Counselling and Couples Therapy
07923 577764 receptivecounselling@gmail.com

Jenny Goodwin Alexander Technique
07891 016768 / 01600 780067 www.jennygoodwin-alexandertechnique.co.uk

Katrina Morgan-Scully Reflexology, Body massage
07817 902641 katrina@abergavennyaromatherapy.co.uk

Nicola C Schramm Hypnotherapy, Weight loss program
01873 811860 / 07779 090267 www.nicola-schramm.co.uk

Please contact practitioners on the numbers above.

You may also contact us by using the contact form.