We have moved from the Community Centre, but remain together as a group of practitioners offering complementary care and support to people in the Abergavenny area.
Our practitioners are:
Juliet Ablett Homeopathy
01981 241456 julietablett@mailbox.org.uk www.julietablett.co.uk
Ian Butcher Gestalt Therapy
07876 033204 info@ianbutchertherapy.co.uk www.ianbutchertherapy.co.uk
Donna Calway Counselling and Couples Therapy
07923 577764 receptivecounselling@gmail.com
Jenny Goodwin Alexander Technique
07891 016768 / 01600 780067 www.jennygoodwin-alexandertechnique.co.uk
Katrina Morgan-Scully Reflexology, Body massage
07817 902641 katrina@abergavennyaromatherapy.co.uk
Nicola C Schramm Hypnotherapy, Weight loss program
01873 811860 / 07779 090267 www.nicola-schramm.co.uk
Please contact practitioners on the numbers above.
You may also contact us by using the contact form.